tgi MEDIA’s Love Affair With Social Media

‘I would have no business if it wasn’t for social media and I absolutely love it! All businesses should be using it as a tool to target customers, to increase their profile and to get their brand out there. My favourite social media platform is Facebook with LinkedIn coming a close second. Both are great ways to keep in touch with people and they are great lead generation tools too if used correctly.’
– Tori Gill, Managing Director
‘The reason why I love social media is because it’s a great source for worldwide news and finding out what your former schoolmate had for tea. My favourite platform is Twitter because the 140 character limit means people need to get their point across quickly, rather than waffling on.’
– David Wriglesworth, Account Manager
‘I love how instant social media can be, the fact you can now connect with anybody from across the world in a matter of seconds. This is brilliant not just for individuals but for businesses as well, as it means they can really get their brand out there to a vast audience. And as for my favourite social network; it has to be Instagram, I’m a very visual person and just love taking photographs, I probably take a new one every day!’
– Grace Wakes, Account Manager
If you’d like any advice about social media, please call the team on 01325 468481 or email