New social media on the block – Vero

If you’re a huge Instagram fan you may have noticed people talking about a new app called Vero. An app that wants to take on not just Instagram, but all social media apps alike…

But what is Vero and is it a contender for Instagram?

Like Instagram, the new app on the scene is based around sharing photographs and videos. But unlike its rivals, Vero offers an authentic user experience with its ad-free service.

Vero’s content displays in chronological order of when it was posted by users and can display URLs, text, photos, videos and recommendations. Currently on Instagram only verified users can post URLs so this is huge benefit to businesses and users alike!

When the app was initially launched it offered free use of the app to the first 1 million users, but since passing this margin it’s extended the offer until further notice. In the future it aims to have a subscription fee for users and businesses alike, in order to remain ad-free unlike its competitors.

Vero officially launched in 2015 yet has only just reached peak popularity from social media influencers engaging with the brand. But the big question on everyone’s mind is does it have the capacity to take on social media superstar Instagram? Only time will tell.

If you need advice about how social media can improve your business or raise your brand’s profile, contact us today on or call us on 01325 468481.

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