Darlington Hub Launches Creative Music Scheme Ater Arts Council England Boost

The Forum Music Studios in Darlington has launched a creative music scheme aimed at young people after the not-for-profit community benefit society received funding from the Arts Council England.
Known as “Young Blood”, the programme is specifically designed to ensure young people have access and opportunities to engage and invest in the development of the live music sector.
The programme, which will be held throughout 2024, is split into three interconnected parts: Creators, Promoters and Live.
Young Blood Music Creators is a weekly session aimed at 13 – 17 year olds. During the sessions, the young creators will develop their music skills in a relaxed and creative environment, where they will have access to high quality resources and professional support.
The Young Blood Promoters programme, which begins in January 2024, has been designed for 16 – 24 years olds, and will give aspiring promoters the opportunity to organise a live event with a budget under guidance from mentors, including industry professionals.
The Creators and Promoters programmes culminate in Young Blood Live, a monthly gig night for teenagers (13 – 17 year olds) that will be held at The Forum Music Studios.
Alison McKay, Director of The Forum Music Studios, said: “The music industry was heavily impacted by COVID-19, so it’s a privilege to be able to invite future generations to get involved in the Young Blood scheme and to be able to share their passion for live music.”
Kirsten Yates, Creative Project Leader of Young Blood, added: “This is an exciting new project that I hope will inspire future musicians and promoters. Thank you to Arts Council England for believing in and supporting our vision.”
Applications for Young Blood – Creators and Young Blood – Promoters are now available online. The deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday 31st December 2023.
To find out more about Young Blood or to apply, visit The Forum Music Studios website (https://theforumonline.co.uk/young-blood/).