What are we thinking?

Twitter 10,000 Character Limit: Pros & Cons

The start of the New Year saw the start of some possible big changes for Twitter, with the social-networking website considering the introduction of a Twitter 10,000 character limit. It’s a big increase to what tweeters are currently used to (a whopping 9,860 characters to be exact) and would equal the character limit on direct messages, which was lifted in August 2015.

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Following back on Twitter – should a business follow back?

I’ve been on Twitter for nearly six years. My account is used both in a personal and a business capacity and I’ve built up a really good quality following. I’ve formed lasting relationships with people whom I’ve met solely on Twitter and we even have regular ‘tweet ups/meet ups’!

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Social media numbers – it’s not a numbers game

Every company which uses social media wants a good following and it’s easy to get caught up in a numbers game. For many business owners, gaining as many followers and Likes as possible on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook is far more important to them than anything else. This is plain and simply wrong.

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