5 Instagram Features You Probably Didn’t Know About

Instagram has certainly come a long way since it was first launched in 2010, then acquired by Facebook in 2012.

Gone are the days where Instagram was a basic app for sharing your favourite photographs with a vintage filter.

Now the social network is a powerful communication tool for both businesses and individuals alike, but did you know it also has many useful tools available?

We’ve compiled some of our lesser-known favourite features in this handy guide…

5 Instagram Features Your Probably Didn’t Know About

Zoom In

As Instagram is mainly used on mobile phones, it can sometimes be difficult to gauge just exactly what you are looking at. Instagram has recently introduced a ‘zoom’ feature where you can take a closer look. All you simply need to do is use your finger and thumb to pinch the area you want to zoom in on to utilise this feature.

Organise Your Filters

Instagram currently has 20 different filters available, but if you are anything like us, you are likely to mainly use just a couple. To save time (and annoyance) you can sort your favourite filters by clicking the ‘manage’ button at the end of the filters list to drag your favourites to the top.

Hashtag Limit

Did you know that Instagram actually has a hashtag limit for each post? The current limit is 30 hashtags and this is to prevent ‘spammy content’ from being posted on the network. If you do post over 30 hashtags on the post, you will find that the whole comment and the hashtags used will be automatically deleted by the site admins. However if you do want to get ‘hashtag happy’ there is a way around this limit. All you need to do is add 30 hashtags to the main status and then in the comments section, you will be able to add an additional 30 hashtags, bringing the grand total to 60.

View Posts You’ve Liked

One of the main interactive features of Instagram is using the heart button to ‘like’ a fellow user’s post. However if you are interested in looking back at the posts which you have previous liked, there is a section for this too. The easy way to do this is to tap the gear icon to access your settings, scroll down to ‘posts you’ve liked’ and then you should be able to view those images you have previously liked.

Filter Inappropriate Comments

Like every social network out there, Instagram also has a ‘troll problem.’ And if you fall victim to this, it can be very upsetting when you receive a mean comment.However there is a way to hide inappropriate comments by filtering out certain keywords. To turn on this feature, simply navigate to your user settings and tap the ‘comments’ option to add your customised words.

Does Instagram leave you feeling in a tizz? Dial: 01325 468 481 or email: info@tgimedia.co.uk to see how the team can assist you with your online social presence.

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